Contact Us
KUCR is the radio station of the University of California at Riverside, serving the UCR campus and surrounding communities.
Email (General info) – kucrinfo [at] kucr [dot] org
Mailing Address
KUCR Radio
University of California
Riverside, CA
Request Line & Ticket Giveaways: (951) 827-5827 or (951) UCR-KUCR
General Information: (951) 827-3737
DJ AIM account: hello kucr
Music Department
General Music Directors:
kucrmusic [at] kucr [dot] org
Music Department Phone: (951) 827-3838
Send music to be reviewed for possible air-play to the address listed
above with attention to: Music Department. A street address is not needed.
Please allow 1-2 weeks for us to listen to your music. For tracking,
send an email to kucrmusic [at] kucr dot org to receive a list of recent adds.
You can also request to be added to an email list that receives
charts of top airplay of new releases reported to CMJ every week.
Public Service Announcement Directors:
Elliott Kim: psa [at] kucr (dot) org
FAX: (951) 827-3240
We accept and air UCR campus and government services & events PSAs.
We also review submissions from non-profit / non-religious groups promoting
services & events that are free and benefit or inform the local community.
Send public service announcements to the address listed above
with attention to: PSA Department. A street address is not needed.
PSA audio files in .mp3 format can be sent by email to the PSA Director.
PSA scripts can be emailed or faxed.