Dec 13, 2010 by eddie
The Barn Concert Series continues for the Winter of 2011
As always, KUCR 88.3 FM will be present creating a great atmosphere to relax to and have a drink while having great conversation before and in between the acts.
Tune into KUCR 88.3 Fm for more information on the series and for chances to win tickets!!!

Nov 22, 2010 by eddie

KUCR and the legendary Jazz Tuesdays is still swingin strong after decades of making giant steps. Tune in every Tuesday at 9 am for a taste of Lee Farley as he explores the realm of the giants of this music on Jazz Explorations, at 11 am Bob Herschler brings you the best in classic Jazz from Coltrane to Monk you can always count on Jazz Time. Don’t touch that dial though! Dr. J sits down at 1pm to bring you another two hours of great jazz from the big-band era, from Basie to Duke and Buddy Rich to Mr. Mingus. The Jazz Tuesday crew at KUCR keeps it alive each and every Tuesday with some great music and some great knowledge here on KUCR 88.3 FM! Remember you can stream our station live from anywhere in the world and you’re on the right page to do so!
Mar 19, 2008 by eddie
So as most of you have probably noticed, KUCR pitched in with ASPB last quarter on putting on a few great shows at The Barn. Seriously though, is anyone really familiar with The Barn? You’ve probably eaten there and who knows, you may never have gone back. Listen though, we are giving you a reason to come back. I know you probably know where this is going, but NO! I will not give you a long and boring, or dreadfully boring, history lesson;
So here’s a short one:
In 1964 a “pirate” radio station operates out of the Aberdeen-Inverness residence halls and calls itself KRUD. In 1966, it becomes an officially licensed campus radio station, which you have learned to love, called KUCR. :)
So far so good…
On February 25th, 1964 Bob Dylan plays at The Barn. Whoa!
Really, who knew?
Currently, we have Bob Dylan albums here at the station! It’s very nostalgic, I know.
There! KUCR goes waaay back! The Barn goes waaay back! And though we can’t quite spill the beans just yet, be ready for some announcements on some amazing shows coming your way very soon. As amazing as KUCR is, we can’t do it all ourselves (thanks to Housing and the Barn staff), but you know that if we are behind it, it’s gonna be fun.
So tune in and stay tuned because good things are to come!