Apr 29, 2011 by eddie

Can’t Get Enough: Dag för Dag, BOO
CD Review
It’s special when you hear the first few seconds of a song, and you immediately know that what you’re listening to is your new all-time favorite. We are allowed to have a few all-time favorites, because some things in this world are just that amazing. This happened while listening to Dag för Dag and their debut album, BOO. Can’t get enough. They are an American brother and sister duo, and took their swedish name after spending time making music together in Sweden. What’s up with all this good music from Sweden? It strikes yet again! If you’re into surreal and dreamy vocals, on top romantic and psychedelic guitars, and music that takes you to another world (Sweden?) you will definitely dig Dag för Dag’s BOO.
I recommend starting with track 6, Silence is the Verba.
-Alexis & The Fun Slide
The Fun Slide is on Fridays from 3:00-5:00pm on KUCR 88.3fm & streaming live at kucr.org
Apr 22, 2011 by eddie

Join Lee Farley, host of Jazz Explorations this upcoming Tuesday April 26th, 2011 frpm 9am-11am for a listen at some previsouly unreleased and ultra rare cuts from Duke Ellington in honor of the Duke’s 112th birthday. Duke Ellington is considered by jazz critics to be on of the greatest composers of the last century. With over 1,000 known compositions Ellington is a cornerstone to the development of Jazz music in America, inspiring musicians around the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to listen to some never before heard music from the Duke. Joining Lee Farley will be Steven Lasker, expert and producer of a recently issued compilation of Duke Ellington’s greatest work. You can catch this program and an entire afternoon of great jazz on KUCR each and every Tuesday from 9am-5pm, and Tuesday mornings from 12am-7am for Jazz After Midnight
Mar 28, 2011 by eddie
The Spring Concert Series at the UCR Barn starts April 20th!
More info at: http://rside.ucr.edu/barnseries

Mar 18, 2011 by eddie

Tune in this upcoming Thursday March 24th at 1230pm and catch a conversation with members of Sustainable UCR on their work behind the community garden at UCR, the importance and meaning of sustainable living practices as well as information on what YOU can do in your community to promote sustainable living practices. Keep it locked on 88.3 fm for your source of local to global, independent college radio. Stay Critical, Stay Creative