KUCR Community Calendar Spotlight Event: Mucho Gusto Festival

KUCR Community Calendar Spotlight Event:
KUCR’s curated guide to what’s coming up in Riverside/IE – Events, places. Concerts and things to do.
Mucho Gusto Festival
Saturday, September 23, 2023, 3 – 11PM
What: A community-based live music festival of unique performers to be enjoyed in-person in a secure, friendly, “no-borders,” “all comers,” “something for everybody” kind of vibe.
Who: Performers and bands including É Arenas (from Chicano Batman), La Perla, mediopicky, Orchestra Gold, Jeremy Sole, QUITAPENAS, Cumbiatón, Nino Francois, Milpa, El Santo Golpe and La Papaya Club.
Where: Riverside’s Downtown North Park, 3200 Mission Inn Ave, Riverside, CA
Why KUCR recommends this: Seeing live music creates indelible memories. This is a lineup of authentic artists making original music meant to connect with and move the audience. Mucho Gusto is put together by some of the brightest lights in Riverside/IE arts and culture: the organizers from the Riverside Arts Council who stage the city’s amazing annual Dio de los Muertos Festival – one of the largest in the USA with the talent of musician, artist, filmmaker, DJ and founder of the acclaimed band Quitapenas (performing at the festival), with a selection of some of the greatest bands in California together for the first time at Mucho Gusto.
For more information: MuchoGustoFest.com
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