Clepto Live on Second Hand Jamz 05-09-11 7pm-9pm
Check out a live interview and performance from Canadian desert dwellers CLEPTO! We will listen to the band’s full discography dating back to their first release in 2005 as well as an intimately wild conversation with the group about their experience of touring and living on the road since they left Canada 8 months ago. Check them out at BACK TO THE GRIND this Saturday May 14 at 7pm and at
The last half hour will feature a live performance from the band! Not to be missed!
Can’t Get Enough: Dag för Dag, BOO
Can’t Get Enough: Dag för Dag, BOO
CD Review
It’s special when you hear the first few seconds of a song, and you immediately know that what you’re listening to is your new all-time favorite. We are allowed to have a few all-time favorites, because some things in this world are just that amazing. This happened while listening to Dag för Dag and their debut album, BOO. Can’t get enough. They are an American brother and sister duo, and took their swedish name after spending time making music together in Sweden. What’s up with all this good music from Sweden? It strikes yet again! If you’re into surreal and dreamy vocals, on top romantic and psychedelic guitars, and music that takes you to another world (Sweden?) you will definitely dig Dag för Dag’s BOO.
I recommend starting with track 6, Silence is the Verba.
-Alexis & The Fun Slide
The Fun Slide is on Fridays from 3:00-5:00pm on KUCR 88.3fm & streaming live at